Supporting Charities

Supporting Charities

Oxford is clearly a tale of two cities. Once you have experienced the city, you'll be very familiar with the rich history, the stunning architecture, and the quaint atmosphere of one of the world's oldest, most prestigious and wealthiest institutions. While you've marvelled at the wonder of the place,  I have little doubt you will also have noticed the groups of vulnerable people living, sleeping, and begging in its shadows. 

There are a large number of rough-sleepers in Oxford, and a broad range of social and economic issues that have led them there. All proceeds of the Oxford Audio Tour support two charities who are trying to reduce this very human problem, in a very human way. 

All donations are pooled and equally split.

Homeless Oxfordshire

Providing short-term accommodation with access to high quality support and initiatives that enable people to have a safe space, in which they can begin to take control of their own lives and recover from homelessness.

Through the provision of a wide range of different types of accommodation, vulnerable people will learn how to manage a tenancy, develop improved self-esteem and a more positive self-identity, and gain the skills that will enable them to move on, live and succeed with greater independence.

Turning Point Roads to Recovery

An all-purpose drug and alcohol treatment service, promoting well-being and recovery from addiction. 

Turning Point Roads to Recovery is an all purpose drug and alcohol treatment service located in Oxfordshire & commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council. 

Turning Point is dedicated to promoting wellbeing and recovery from addiction for those that feel ready to take those steps. Oxfordshire services offer a variety of treatment options, and support individuals to find the right treatment so that they can make positive changes to their lives.

The team across Oxfordshire includes doctors, nurses, psychologists, recovery workers, support workers, complementary therapists, peer mentor volunteers, counsellors and trainers. There are lots of different people who can offer their support, knowledge and encouragement to help you achieve your recovery.

Turning Point Oxfordshire have service hubs in Oxford, Banbury, Didcot and Witney
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